🍔🍔Language Arts -Performance Task on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Refuse🍔🍔

 Welcome come 👦👧boys and girls to class. Today we will be exploring a Language Arts Performance Task on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Refuse. 

Grade 4                                                                       March 5, 2025

Subject: Language Arts

Read the information from the sources carefully before selecting and writing your answers in part 1 and part 2.                                                                                               



Source 2                                                                                                                                                           1.Reuse: Use things again instead of throwing them away. Example: Use a glass jar to store pencils.

2.    Reduce: Use less of something to create less waste. Example: Turn off lights to save energy.

3.    Recycle: Turn old things into new things. Example: Recycle paper to make new paper.

4.    Refuse: Say "no" to things you don’t need, like plastic bags or straws, to stop waste.

Part 1: 

Use the information from the sources to guide you in answering the questions in part 1.

1.List the four Rs. ___________________________________________________________________

2. Imagine you have an old plastic bottle. How could you reuse it, and why is that better than throwing it away? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

 3.Insert a tick (√) next to each statement to indicate the source it belongs to.


Source 1

Source 2

Neither source

Use less of something to create less waste




The three R’s are not important to the earth




Recycle paper to make new paper.




Say "no" to things you don’t need





Part 2:

You have a friend who frequently litters the school yard with soda bottles and garbage. Unfortunately, they are not aware of the Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, as well as the significance of sustainable practices. Write a letter to your friend, explaining three ways in which they can effectively employ the Three Rs to protect the school environment.

Indent your paragraphs
Parts of the letter
Use Transitional words
Use Punctuation Marks
ensure that your arguments are connecting



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