🤼🤼‍♂️🤼Performance Task- Language Arts- (Bullying)🤼🤼‍♂️🤼

 Welcome 👦👧boys and girls. Today we will be engaged in a performance task activity. In this activity you will be provided with two sources to do your tasks.

Ready!!👦👧boys and girls. Read the sources carefully before selecting and writing your answers in part 1 and part 2👇

Source 1 and 2:                                                                                                            

Part 1:

Use the information from the sources to guide you in answering the questions in part 1.

1.    Insert a tick (√) next to each statement to indicate the source it belongs to.


Source 1

Source 2

Neither source

Educate yourself.




Bulling is taking someone things.




There are social, physical and verbal bullying.




Educators can ensure all students respect each other.




Report bulling to your teacher at school.




Another type of bulling is emotional.




Report bulling to your teacher at school.




Hurting someone can be classified as bullying.




2.    What is the definition of the term bullying?


3.    Write three ways in which you can prevent bullying at your school.


4.    Explain any three 3 types of bullying.


5.    List three (3) persons you can report a case of bullying to at your school.


Part 2:

Imagine you are a student who witnesses a classmate being bullied at school. Write a letter to the teacher describing the situation, your feelings about it, and what actions you would take to address the bullying. 



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