πŸ¦žπŸ›πŸ¦€ What is Science?🐌 🐞 🐜

 Welcome boys and girls, we are going learn about the following:

1. What is Science?

2. Who is a scientist?

3. The attitudes and skills of scientists

What is Science?πŸ‘‡


The process skills of scientists                                       

Boys and girls let us watch the videos on science, scientist and attitude and skills of scientists.

Boys and girls we have learnt about the
 science, scientist and scientist process skills. Use your books to do the following Tasks.

Activities TimeπŸ‘¦πŸ‘§πŸ‘‡

Task 1

Below are some process skills that scientist use. Write the definition of each term











Drawing conclusion




Task 2
You are a scientist. Your task is to use the process skills observing, inferring, and drawing conclusion to record the behaviour of animal in your home environment.

Task 3

Match each word with the correct picture.

Task 4

Task 5
Boys and girls let us do some liveworksheet activities.


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